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Queen of Swords – the Tarot play by Alysse Aallyn


(Thinking aloud)

A demon’s real name…

(Silence while WHITNEY thinks.  Decision.)


Be not afraid.

(She resumes hammering on the door.)

Charmayne! Charmayne! Charmayne!


(Seductively from the door open only a slit)

I thought we had an agreement, Whitney.



I’d like you to tell my fortune.  Give me a reading.  You know.  With the cards.


(Instantly interested)

Oh, you’d like that, would you? Why the sudden change of tune?


(Graceless shrug)

I don’t want to come back on Thursday.


(Rippling laugh)

I like you, Whitney. You shouldn’t be so teasable.  I guess it’s Ramon who will have to come back Thursday.  Surprises refresh me. You’ve never availed yourself of my gift of cartomancy before. Let me get my cards.

(Door snaps shut)


(Seats herself in a patio chair)

Here goes nothing.


(Appearing with a full tray)

Here, take this.  

(Lumbers WHITNEY with enormous tray while CHARMAYNE carefully closes door behind her)

Careful with that!

(WHITNEY unloads tray onto patio table)


I’m so pleased about this little tête a tête. Choose your poison. Kids these days drink only vodka. Vodka! (She snorts) Youth is so wasted on the young.


I drink tequila.


Oh, I bet you do.  Care to knock back some shots?

(She mimes it)

In vino veritas, Whitney. I’ll save you the worm.


Please don’t quote Latin at me.  It makes me feel I’m back at boarding school.


Life’s one school after another, Whitney.  Endless initiation into unimagined horizons.  All birth’s painful. A little medicine eases the transition.


No thanks.  I still have to drive home.  Water’s fine.


You always were as stubborn as a mule.  So be it! Ready to concentrate on the future?


I still have some questions about the past.


(Sits, bounces a leg impatiently)

Oh, Whitney, Whitney!  If I could only get you to see that your obsession with the past is so self-defeating!  Here you are a young girl – an almost beautiful young girl who could be better than beautiful if she made any effort – and all you do is look back.  On a mere nineteen years of life!

(Shakes her head)

If I’d stayed stuck like you, I’d still be gigging frogs down by the lake.


What lake?


(Immediate self-protection)

Oh, I grew up on a lake.  Didn’t I mention?  A sad sleazy little lake surrounded by wooden cabins – some of them actually on wheels. It’s all gone now.


Maybe, but surely the lake is still there.


Oh no.  It’s all gone now. Paved over. Things change, Whitney.  Get used to it!  The past is always more disgusting than people are willing to concede.


But who would pave a lake?


The water was attacked by some invasive…they had to get rid of it. I would have walked through fire to get out of that place.


(Very stubborn)

But how could you still be at the lake if it’s gone?


I would have fought the changes, that’s my point.  But what would I get? A dead lake and a dying life ! Instead, look at this!

(Waves over the audience)

I have the ocean!  The whole Atlantic Ocean…


So tell me about that dagger you wear around your neck.


(Playing with it)

A girl after my own heart!  No sooner do I give one gift than you want another. This golden dagger is a dear memento given to me by my mentor years ago. On completing my study of tarot.


(Flat footedly)

What was her name?


Oh, Whitney…Whitney…You can never bathe in the same river twice!  I only care about the future. All this could be yours someday… if you play your cards right.  


Depends which deck we’re using.


(Silvery laughter)

My deck of course! You don’t have a deck! Whitney, I want to be your friend. I treasured my own mentor – she made all the difference in my life –  I’ve often wondered what it would be like to have a protégée. I never knew it would be you.


Why do you think so? 


You’re so young, so unformed. And you have such a thirst for knowledge!  I was that way once, wondering how things work.

(Reaches out to touch WHITNEY’S hair – WHITNEY steels herself)

If only you knew how much I want to give you things.


You do?

(This disturbs her)

Like what?


I could show you the lynchpins of the universe if only you would let me.  Very few of us were born with a silver spoon in our mouths and a golden rattle clutched in our chubby baby hands the way you were, Whitney.  You need to see the world for what it really is. You don’t accept what’s on offer – you go your own way – I was like that, too. I can teach you how to never be defeated. But first I must know.  Are you a Querent or a Firewalker?


A what?


Is this idle curiosity or will you accept the challenge that is offered – whatever it requires? Can you stand up to what must be revealed?

(She produced and shuffles the tarot cards – with threatening skill)

The time is never riper.  Open your mind, Whitney and accept.  IF that’s what you’re here for.


I’m definitely a firewalker.


I thought so! Welcome to the Way of Fire.  Enter the temple. Cut.

(Offers cards to WHITNEY who cuts the deck and selects one.)


Don’t just take a card. Wait for the proper moment. 


Did you ever wait? 


(CHARMAYNE takes the card from her and studies it)


I suppose you chose the card most eager to speak to you.  Look, it’s The Fool!

(Tarot of The Fool springs up as a hologram or on projection screen)


That’s supposed to be me?


It’s the card you chose so yes, it has something to say to you. Look at it.


That I‘m a number zero? Is that what it’s telling me? I don’t like your tarot language.


You’re always braced for insult, Whitney. In your private language you can never be defined by someone else. Open your cage. The Fool is stuck, he can’t move on. Moving on is the First Principle of Life.


(Leaning across the table)

My father is gone.


He was almost ninety, Whitney.  Death happens.  You had him longer than I did.  Get over it. I never question the past.


I was raised to appreciate history because if you don’t understand it, you repeat it.


We all were born graceless and angry, raging and accusatory.  It’s only a shame if you stay that way. Look at the fool’s face. He thinks he’s free.  See the rose he picked?  All the while he’s standing on a cliff edge!


I reject this card. I demand another card.

 (Snatches one up. CHARMAYNE is unflustered.)


That’s not the way this game is played.


Maybe it’s the way I play.  You don’t get to define me.


Fortunately the tarot is wiser than you. Look what you’ve chosen! The Tarot laughs!

(Queen of Swords card appears onscreen – bare breasted and swinging double knives)


You put that there!


You chose it yourself!


You probably had that card up your sleeve. Here’s my card – I’ll turn it up myself.

(Priestess Tarot card onscreen)


The High Priestess! How appropriate! 


What’s appropriate about that?


The High Priestess is a woman pretending to be a man, Whitney.  She abhors feminine wiles. Because you’re so interested in history you might as well know she’s base on Pope Joan,  the only female Pope.  She’s the guardian of hidden knowledge. See, she’s holding the Torah with the last letter hidden.

(WHITNEY bridles)


She looks like a little old man.


Don’t take everything so personally.  Seekers are often forced to wear disguise. Life’s a contest and the weak go to the wall.  Look at the Priestess standing on the moon between the lotus pillars and ask yourself, how does that make you feel?




Well don’t admit it ever. Never spill your guts. The first law is bluster.  After awhile it comes naturally. 


I thought the first law was moving on.



That’s the first principle.  Try to keep up.


Doesn’t bluster risk losing yourself? 


There is no self! We are self-created. Your father always used to say – oh, never mind. The Priestess reveals her secret when the time is right.


What did my father always say?


You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. Now allow me to choose a card for you.

 (Prince of Wands appears. He looks a lot like EIGHT) 


I knew a man would show up sooner or later. Do you know this handsome devil?  What do you suppose is the meaning of his big, big stick?

(She laughs)

(WHITNEY works hard to stay cool)


I‘ve met him.


(Surprised and nettled that there’s anything she doesn’t know)

Oh? Where? Is he your boyfriend?



You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.


Still waters run deep!  Possibly he’s your power card, Whitney. The elegant Prince of Wands has been pushed out of his home and sent on a journey with no weapon to protect himself other than sticks he picks up.  He’s a dowser.


He’s a treasure seeker.


Well I’d very much like to meet him.  We could have a tequila party. Would you like that?


No. Just tell me what it means.


This must be very new – I don’t blame you wanting to keep him to yourself. The Prince of Wands is about developing intuition, cultivating talents. He’s a wily character, not well born like the Prince of Swords. He’s scrappy, like me, came from nothing. He’s had to learn to excel at something – to master it. He presages sudden changes of direction, even a journey.  It could be a lucky card, Whitney, especially since you rejected The Fool.  But like everything else in life, you must claim it. Claim your power, Whitney, I can show you how. Should you fail; the card’s power is reversed.  Then it presages devastating loss, capture, and imprisonment.





I could say more if you would tell me about him.


Forget it. Give me another card.


You’re entitled to an eight card spread.




Is that your lucky number?



(WHITNEY spreads cards messily over the table)


This isn’t slapjack, Whitney. We all have to play the cards the goddess deals. You’ll cancel out the reading!

(WHITNEY throws cards to the ground.)


Some reverence if you please!


(Produces a card triumphantly)

Here’s the one I want!  Judgment!

(The Judgment card appears onscreen)

Even this one’s not very impressive. Why does the Tarot show nothing but little old men? 


It doesn’t. The Major Arcana is strongly female. 


Well the Judgment Card looks like my Dad to me.


That shows your ignorance. Some have eyes but are too blind to see.

(Wearily picking up cards)

The Tarot won’t be mocked, Whitney.  You’re asking for trouble.


I don’t think I’m the one in trouble.


Believe me, you are.


I DON’T believe you. Your threats are vague – you can’t even be specific.



It’s whatever you most fear that stalks you. Behind the fear lies…the wish.

(She laughs)

The ignorant are so helpless! This card doesn’t even signify what you think it means.


So what does it mean, then? 


It’s the regeneration card. See the dead rising on the bottom of the card there? That angel’s going to suck them right up into her trumpet!

(She laughs wildly)


You don’t think the dead can rise?


Depends on how they died.


What do you mean, HOW?



They can’t rise if they’ve lost their souls.



Oh, that’s bullshit.  Who says that?


The Book of the Dead.  They’re the experts. Your firewalk is just beginning, Whitney! I’ve been doing it for years. My feet are well-hardened. There’s so much you don’t know.


(Overturns the table standing up)

I guess the reading’s over.

(They face each other across the mess)


I guess it is.  Some people can’t be helped. 

(As CHARMAYNE bends down WHITNEY pretends to leave but hides behind the boulder, trying to calm her breathing).


(Calling after her)

That was a one-time offer! Let me know if you ever get serious about claiming your power!


Kids. They insist on leaving the field to me. Which is fine, knowing how I hate to share.

(Clears the table, takes tray into house EXIT).


(Pulls out her phone and starts typing)

Book of the Dead, eh?   I have some magic of my own and it’s called Google.  I remember now, that faked up résumé said something about Dead Lake Community College…

(Lights down.)

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