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Becoming a Warrior – the Warrior Oracle by Alysse Aallyn

Waterfall – Change:

If This Card Chooses You – You Instinctively Resist Stagnation. Your conscious mind seeks stasis, which it interprets as “security”, but your subconscious rebels. It demands change! In the meanwhile, outside of your awareness, your unconscious IS changing, evolving fiercely along with the drama playing out in the entropical human race. Tune in!

Consult Your Dreams – Dreams signal a desire for change. When was the last time you had a falling dream? Or a rushing water dream? A surprise dream or an accident dream?

Change Is Inevitable – Not just change, but revolution. Revolution is what we warriors are all about. Cultivate flexible thinking. Don’t invest psychologically in rigid, one-way requirements.

Thought Exercise – What if everything were completely different? What if things turned upside down? This is the kind of planning and strategizing asked of warriors. What’s the “Last Best Option?” Shape your change towards growth by asking, is this making me a better, stronger person, or a more fearful person? More competent, less dependent, more unique, less compliant, more imaginative, less angry, more joyous, less envious? Evolve with me! Let’s streamline!

Fundamental attribution error says we blame ourselves for world conditions over which we have no control. Check your guilt/anxiety levels. If they are raging, is there anything you can do to ameliorate the causative circumstances? Being without guilt or anxiety is NOT the goal – that would describe a sociopath! But being crippled by guilt OR anxiety when there’s nothing you can do about it is disabling. And we’re in the empowerment department here.

Manage Your Evolution, or you’re headed downhill. Traveling ever upward along the spiral. What are the attributes you admire? Develop a picture of yourself as a wise being emitting light. Nurture calm, contentment, gratitude – in the midst of a thirst for new ideas and experiences to add to your expanding galaxy of knowledge.

Be Ready for Anything – Play out the scenarios in your Training Journal. Have a plan A, B, C. Learn chess to help with thinking of several moves ahead. Ask others, “What would you do?” As you read/watch a piece of fiction, imagine yourself inside this problem. You can also learn a lot from history. Start a “What IF? Club” in which members dream up survival scenarios. Play the game Worst Case Scenario.

Models & Mentors – “Progress is impossible without change” – George Bernard Shaw

“Change is the law of life. Those who look only to past and present are certain to miss the future.” – John F. Kennedy

“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability but comes after continuous struggle.” – Martin Luther King

“It is not the strongest of our species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change” – Charles Darwin

#Haiku: Unwanting

Curbing desire
Won’t work;
Evolving desire will.
Admit it:
We’ve changed

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