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Becoming a Warrior – the Warrior Oracle by Alysse Aallyn

Foxglove – Medicine:

If This Card Chooses You – It’s time to pay attention to your physical well-being. This doesn’t necessitate a doctor visit, it could mean you know perfectly well you’re doing something to threaten your health and it’s time to quit.

But Sometimes a Doctor Visit is Necessary – Do you dream of hospitals? Doctors? Shamen? Magic pills? One of society’s proudest boasts is our seemingly mysterious ability to cure illness, or at least palliate its effects. Your dreams say you yearn for healing, and something in you recognizes you need help.

Do You Trust Your Doctor? Maybe it’s spiritual healing that’s required. Try a naturopath, acupuncture, massage therapy – searching for that instinctively helpful healer. Revisit advice on managing gurus – they must not be greedy and must demonstrate they have your best interests at heart. Seek references from friends. Anyone attempting to isolate you and wall you off from information is not your friend.

The Warrior Path Is Exhausting. We need constant support. No shame – it’s part of the calling.

What Makes A Warrior’s Heart Race? – Anyone developing their own map gets lost frequently. How can we find the right path? How can we develop the confidence to choose the “right diagnosis” for what ails us? When should we request a “second” or “third” opinion? How can we stay on the “right” course, or even assess the “rightness” of any course, considering all our past mistakes?

Warriors need “heart strengthening.” “Foxglove” the source of digitalis, (a powerful heart medication) tells us: Listen to your heart. Get out your Training Journal and start making notes. What questions do we wish to ask? Who do we want to be? Where are we trying to go?

Warrior Danger – Can we tell the difference between a “fortifying” or a “harming” path? TV pharmaceutical ads list grisly side effects for pills tackling the vaguest malaise. Who can overlook these threats? Perhaps the ultimate “danger” lies in ignoring the warnings our “dis-ease” gives. What does “I want to be young again” really mean? We are all mortal. We have just so much time left to plan. To “become”.

Warrior Opportunity – Some people are more confident following an “experts recommend” course, others adapt and customize as they go. Joy is the moment when planets and moments all click into alignment and we feel we accepted as a beloved child of the universe. Let’s unclog our ears, remove the plank from our vision and simplify our world to recapture the moments of joy experienced in childhood. If a loving, guiding force rescued us over and over again, we can summon the confidence to find several human healers to guide us through the healthcare system.

Models & Mentors – “Hugging is good medicine” – Karen Salmansohn

“Medicine is the art of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease” – Voltaire

“Medicines cure diseases, but only doctors can cure patients” – C.J. Jung

“Medicine cures doubt as well as disease” – Karl Marx

“The arts are as essential to everyone’s lives as clean food and fresh air” – Renee Phillips

#Haiku: Overcoming Narcissistic Disappointment

Cuts hurt
Scars heal
Skin becomes
Distinctive; you
Become interesting.

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