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Becoming a Warrior – the Warrior Oracle by Alysse Aallyn

Ladyslipper – Singularity:

If This Card Chooses You – Have you been running with the crowd too much? Feeling unappreciated, even exhausted? Are you waiting for someone to celebrate You? Maybe it’s time to celebrate yourself.

Warriors Are Always Alone in the Crowd – Do you frequently find yourself walking in a different direction from everyone else? Do you often feel ganged up on, bullied? The Ladyslipper card represents all that Uniqueness out there, and because there are so many of us, that’s a lot of singularity! If you doubt that so much uniqueness could possibly exist, consider the humble snowflake.

Each Warrior is Unique – We may be civilized into groups, but society only advances because of its singletons. Becoming a warrior means insisting on the right to make your own special contribution. Recognize how much the world needs you, and congratulate yourself for it.

Warrior Danger – The powerful are only powerful because they have an army. They want you fighting for them, not for yourself. Consider your best interests. Armies PLAN to “use you up.”

Warriors Will Not Be “Used” – Warriors train themselves to out-think people and situations. Confronting Narcissism is a real danger in our society. People are encouraged to perform, push themselves forward and try to harvest “likes” from absolute strangers by sheer outrageousness, rather than develop their real, immortal Self. Honoring your uniqueness begins in absolute privacy as you face your soul, contemplate your real self and consider pathways to strengthening these assets.

Warrior Pride – Humility sharpens our edge and keeps us light on our feet. It’s never too late to change direction, especially when you find out you’ve been traveling the wrong way. Consult your maps and Training Journal. Time for a redesign?

Warrior Opportunity – The warrior path is independent of criticism from those not making your journey. Critics wrestling for control won’t like that. We all need to consult different perspectives in order to check our placement and effectiveness but much criticism is sharpened to spike & derail. Recognize that the following techniques are attempts to harvest YOU and feed off your power and are designed to re-direct your effort to the critic’s own ends.

Projection – Projection is a defense mechanism used to displace responsibility for one’s negative behaviors by attributing them to someone else. It acts as a digression that avoids ownership and accountability.

Nonsensical Argument;- Big words, word salad, circular conversations, ad hominem arguments, projection and gaslighting are meant to disorient you and get you off track

Blanket statements and generalizations –
Misrepresenting your thoughts and feelings to the point of absurdity 
Nitpicking and moving the goal posts 

Abrupt changes of subject – you’ll NEVER win because they decide what’s “important”
Covert and overt threats – “You’ll never-“ “No one will ever-“ they control mysterious armies and powers

Name-calling – attempts to associate you with the publicly despicable

Covert and overt put-downs – the critic’s superiority is thereby established

Smear campaigns – behind your back

Demands for loyalty – When someone stresses that you should “trust them” right away or emphasizes their inherent credibility, be wary.

Baits and badgers you, trying to get an emotional reaction, all while feigning innocence

Boundary testing – Trying to subvert your boundaries or disparage your triggers

Aggressive jabs disguised as jokes 

Condescending sarcasm and patronizing tone 

Belittling, degrading. Shaming

Warrior Freedom – Much human interaction is a subtle or unsubtle attempt to divide people into camps and to enlist you to carry someone else’s banner. But warriors own their own souls and battle for abstract principles of fairness and goodness, health and growth.

Models & Mentors – “What sets you apart can feel like a burden, but it’s what makes you great” – Emma Stone

“If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be”

– Maya Angelou

“Always remember you are absolutely unique, just like everyone else” – Margaret Mead

“Be yourself – everyone else is already taken” – Oscar Wilde

#Haiku: Conceptual Art Project

Your life’s
Hard-fought how-to guide:
Unique –

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